Photography - Our Hobby


About 7 years ago my husband and I bought a Canon D600 Camera for personal use. It came with 3 lenses. It was on special.

At first, we would photograph nature, our pets, friends and family but before we knew it, our hobby grew into a small business. Neither of us was trained and we’re still not. I started playing around on Photoshop and taught myself everything I know today. My husband would become the photographer and me the editor.

Our first photos taken with the Canon D600 was of my sister. She is so beautiful and extremely photogenic which probably is the reason why we started doing photography. My apologies for the quality on these pics. Unfortunately our external crashed and I had to look for these online.

Our First unofficial shoot:

At this point I’m still experimenting with Photoshop

Well, before we knew it we did friendship and individual shoots…. Arranged from the first shoots to the most recent:

Matric Farewells :


Pregnancy and birth:


Birth photography is my absolute favorite! I loved it so much that I would do it for free, just to be a part of that process. I am “obsessed” with birth, midwifery and all of it! The moment life begins. One day, A Midwife asked me why I am so interested in birth and it took me quite a while to figure out. I had to look at videos and photographs and really think about my answer and it all came to one moment at every birth, to one second that made me fall in love with it. It’s the second the baby takes its first breath. It’s that one second that you know with 100% certainty, that God is there, breathing life into that little being or collecting that little soul to be with Him once again. God is there. That became my “Breath of God” moment, moments for which I live for every single day.


We did many shoots, including kids, Horse shows, Birthday parties, Stalk teas…. You name it! We made a living of photography for a while.
Unfortunately we stopped a while ago. Most people don’t realize that photography and the editing can be very time consuming and nowadays every second person is a photographer advertising at ridiculous rates which I was just not willing to settle for. Although we did not advertise as much my life became extremely busy with 2 little ones running around and taking up most of my time. One day, when they are older I’ll probably consider doing photography full time but for now we do not advertise and we only do shoots on very special requests.

We still enjoy photographing our surroundings, animals, nature, kids and I would love to share those with you soon xx

Thank you for your time!

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