TimTravels - Souks in Old Dubai Part 1

Hello and welcome to a new episode of TimTravels my dear Steemian friends!

In case you followed my recent posts you might know that I left my hometown to start a two month long journey through Asia. My first stop was Dubai, the biggest city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in which approximately 85% of UAEs citizen live.

When you think of Dubai what comes to your mind first? Huge skyscrapers, luxury and sports cars? But that's just only one side of the coin. In fact you can divide Dubai into the old and new Dubai, divided by the river Creek. Today I was in Old Dubai and was able to capture some amazing shots I will share with you now. However, at the end of this post I will add a little teaser: new Dubai at night.

This is where my journey began today, at the river called Creek. It divides Dubai into two and has a length of round about 11 km. I was about to cross the river to get to old Dubai.

As promised here comes the teaser! I woke up at 4:30 am to catch the sunrise, however on this day I was unlucky due to a sandstorm. We didn't see the sun at all, however I was able to catch some great night shots. You will see more in tomorrows post!

Steem on,

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