TimTravels - Crete, Good Bye Mavic - Day 2

How is it going my Steemian friends? Welcome back to a new episode of TimTravels!

Ten days left on Crete. Ten more days without my Mavic Pro, my drone crashed today and became nothing more than some electronic waste. But more on that later!
The last days were simply amazing. What should I say? Great food, sun is shining every day, crystal clear water and nice people! A place I might visit every year from now on.
Where else do you have huge mountains next to a harbor city? Tell me and I'll visit this place.

Olive trees far and wide! Greece is known for its first class olive oil. You will see by its landscape that it's covered by many of these trees.

Matala Beach, known for its caves and a great place for cliff diving

One of the last pictures of my Mavic Pro in action

Here is something interesting and exciting to know! There is this canyon called Kourtaliotiko gorge. If you drive there by car you have the possibility to park it and take a 15 minute walk down by foot. At the bottom there is a little river. Followin the water to its spring you will find a cave with a waterfall! Simply amazing. I couldn't fly into the cave with the drone since it was too windy.

Are you ready for the following pictures? It really hurt me to see my drone crash. I lost control due to heavy wind and it crashed again a wall. From there it fell 10 meters down and completely got wrecked. Here is what's left from the Mavic. The sad story is that I came to Crete to make a video and wont be able to finish it. I have no idea if I will be able to get a new one here on the island but I will give it a try. Take care and fly safe my Steemian friends

I hope you enjoyed this episode of TimTravels! If you have any questions feel free to ask otherwise let me know what you think and leave a comment!

See you soon and Steem on,

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