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Double puncture; rain and midges - Snowdonia camping (day #1/ 2)

Hello Steemians!

First of all I would like to apologise for no photos in this blog as I stupidly forgot to bring my SD-card adapter for my computer. Well we all make mistakes don't we?

Yesterday my Farther and I rolled into Hafod y Llan a campsite in the lee of Snowdon (the highest mountain in England and Wales) ;set up the tents (my Dad is sleeping in the larger tent with Molly, the Dog, and I am in the smaller tent with all my gear); make the evening meal (well after the long journey I decided to cook a simple one-pot) and, finally sleep out-side again. Boy did I miss that! Then, at approx. 02:25 I got woken by the rain hammering on the outer shell of my tent; that reminded me: once I was at scout-camp and I woke up thinking that it was raining but no it was the midges bouncing in between the outer shell of the tent and the inner tent! Again I fell asleep into a pretty lousy half-conscious sleep.

So, I woke at 08:15 and lay in my sleeping bag thinking 'Damn this rain and damn these blasted midges!' . Eventually I decided to drag my-self out of the relative comfort of my tent to find that the old Lady (Molly) had peed on her bed. So what do you do? You walk her to the beck and let her have a pee and something to drink. Then I did all the essentials: fill up the water bag, make my Pa a cuppa tea and of course let the old Lady go for a pee again. Then it starts spitting again and I think ' Wow this looks like great weather for some adventure film/photography. ' . Mistake no. 1. Then I hook up my mic to my camera, unaware of this at the time I forgot to turn my mic on. Mistake no. 2. Then not knowing about this I bound up the hill, soaking and talking into a deff mic, take some shots of witch there is a nice slow-exposure shot of the water rolling off a small water-fall, decide that it was too rainy and bound back down again. After that I checked my video and noticed that there was just static - caphphph caphphph. I waited 5 minutes until the worst was over us. Those 5 minutes were spent trying to fashion a lens-hood out of those tea mugs that you get from little road-side cafe stalls. It worked for 15 minutes but then the rain was not kept off the lens and it was always creeping into frame so I took it off. But do not fret I did not just drop it and go, oh no I took it back and chucked it into the bin.

Soon after, we decided to go to Capel Curig and as we roll out and we hear a massive BANG and as it turned out we had popped the left-front-tire so we think ' S*** Ok we can use the spare tire ' but as I go to get it I see that the rear-left-tire had also popped. There was a lot of searching for the mobile but we could not find one. Luckily for us, there was a phone-box just 200 yards ahead and another 100 yards further there was a delightful café witch is where I am now quite contently drinking my 3rd pot of tea and nibbling away at a slice of carrot cake. You are probably all thinking that little cheat in a lovely warm café living the good life and yes you are right I am a cheat, but how else could I deliver content to you.

See you all later,
Theo F
Youtube: Theo Francis Photography