Adorable pegions: Free to fly.

[image source ]
This photo is captured by my oppo F3 selfie expert containing 13MP rear camera 📷.


Pigeon are the image of peace. What's more, a long time from now I have seen that. They are another lovely formation of god. They are extremely so quiet animal. At whatever point I feel tragic or I feel alone I went to them. Also, they influence me to understand that I shouldn't be dismal. I should fly and went to my goal.


Pigeons can fly at elevations of 6000 feet or more.Pigeons drink by sucking water and utilizing their snouts like straws. I have lots of pigeon in out housetop. Numerous sorts of pigeons are accessible in there. I have Homa, giribaz, kagji, shartin and others. Presently they resemble my family. I wish that they will dependably be there like at this point. I truly cherish them a considerable measure.

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