Off-roading the Rubicon Jeep Trail Tahoe

The Rubicon Jeep Trail is located in South Lake Tahoe which is one of the most famous Jeep offroading trails in the world. All sorts of cars are brought to the challenging terrain in order to see if they can accomplish the entire trail. Camping sites are also available which is what my friends and I did in the Spring of 2016. Haven't been there since so I am not too sure whether or not it has changed in the last year or not.

I wish I had taken more pictures and documented the trip more. Most of the pictures are either from an iPhone 6 or a GoPro Hero 3. These are just a couple so I hope you enjoy.

The beginning of the Rubicon Bowl which consists of a bunch of free space where Jeeps and Trucks can hill climb.

One of our Jeeps at night. One of my favorite pictures because of the contrast you can see when the light particles hit the fog. Also gives off some super mysterious vibe that is pretty awesome.

Almost flipped


Drove out and walked to the lake for a swim because we haven't showered in 2 days. Terrible idea though because the water was freezing.

Beautiful view nonetheless.

Couldn't forget this little guy either. He was half wolf and was owned by one of the park rangers. Absolutely stunning little guy.

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