Bridal Show #NotMarried

Hi again!

I am going to take you behind the scenes of a bridal show I was apart of last weekend. It took place on beautiful Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. I was modelling a beautiful gown by the Shades of White bridal store. Shades of White, as well as some other boutiques rented out “Crystal Gardens” in downtown Victoria to hold their show. It featured bridal gowns, flower decors, and anything you could want for your own wedding. There was even live music and professional dance performances!! It was definitely a venue built for entertaining guests!


Men and women of ALL ages came to check it out. It was a much larger event than I had anticipated. Some visitors came for the food, some were pre-weds looking for the most attractive gowns, and some were single men. What can I say, we had a great turn out!


I was wearing a gown priced around $2,500. The top was beaded and tight, coming down to my waist and then flowing into a skirt that draped gracefully to the floor. It was a one-piece. Apparently there is such thing as a two-piece bridal gown. How did I not know this?!



For the first portion of the show, I was seated high up on a swing, very much on display for wandering eyes. I can’t lie, I felt beautiful. Sort of like a princess out of a fairytale. Guests would walk by and stop, taking pictures of me. And I worked it, almost like putting on a performance! I am not married, so I’ve never had my own wedding day, but I think I may have gotten the same attention as an actual bride would on the day of her wedding. There were other models as well, and I think they all felt the same as I did. We were on display. Everyone looked. Many came over to talk to us. We even wore price tags on our gowns so the guests would know the price of the dress they liked the most.



Below are some images taken of the dancers!! You can reallly see all of the enthusiasm! The room was so lit up and electric with anticipation!!





As the hours soared past, my back became achy. You see, this swing was not balanced, and would tip any way I moved, being front or back. So once initially placed on the swing, I really couldn’t move much at all. (I didn’t want to be the only model that fell to the floor because her muscles decided to relax...) So eventually I asked to trade places with one of the models who was given the task of walking the floor. Thank goodness I did; I had so much fun exploring all the venues!




Below is a few close-ups of my makeup/hair for the day! I was really impressed with the artists who worked their magic!



Thank you to everyone who read through my post!! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did putting it together! Visit me on Instagram and spread the love. You can find me at:

Yours Truly,

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