Beautiful Butterfly-PeaCock [YOU ALL MUST SEE]


The peacock is a family show in the gardens of the British Isles and is unmistakable, with rather spectacular eyes on the upper part of the hind wings that give its name to this butterfly. These eyes must seem very threatening to predators, like mice, who face this butterfly in front, where the body forms a "beak".

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The lower part is completely different, almost black, which ensures perfect camouflage when the butterfly rests on the trunk of a tree or when it hibernates. In addition to camouflage and large eyes, the butterfly is able to emit a whistling sound by rubbing its wings together that are audible to human ears. Overall, this butterfly must seem very threatening to any predator that could cross it. It is a very mobile butterfly found throughout the British Isles, including Orkney and Shetland, although it is not present in parts of northern Scotland. However, their range seems to increase, with observations of new areas recorded each year.

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