Thank YOU For All The Suport! (10 HD Pics)

Soon we are hitting 100 followers and this is so epic.

Thank you ALL!

So me and @miraicastel where in the mountains for a few days to relax and have some nature time.

Here some shots from the past few days.

  • Double exposure of course as this is my main addiction ;)

  • Feel free to ask anything about this technic, I love to give you my insights.

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The mountainfew was stunning

  • I love this #shadows as they compliment the size of this giants.

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  • So epic how the light hits the snow. Makes me feel so small.

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Double Exposure again!

  • There are many ways and there is no right or wrong one, you go up or you go down.

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The village we stayed in!

  • It is a famous place for its healthy springs so there are a lot of really nice relaxing oases where you can chill, bath, get a massage ond enjoy the mountainview.

  • Here a Link to the official website of the village.

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Classic winter sceene

  • I get nostalgic everytime I see pictures like this one so I had to share this one with you.
  • Do you like snow? tell me in the comments!
  • I think it´s so challenging to shoot with snow as the light is so extreme.

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The Shooters

  • As in this region there is a verry rare bird (bearded vulture) with two meter wings there are a lot of this haunters.
  • With my 300mm I was still not kapabel to frame this bird wright but we saw him flying by many times - so majestic.

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Birds high up.

  • There where hunderts of these as they used the winds to get hight.

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  • Down in the village snow is everywhere. It takes only two houers to clear all the streets and sidewalks.
  • #schweizereffizienz

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So Thank YOU For Beeing Part Of My Blog!

  • I wish you all the best and lets inspire each outhers and learn from eachouther.

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Check out @miraicastel for some nice poems and lyrical inspiration.

Sandy Meyer

Art helps to communicate and understand without words.

In a world where words are no longer valued as desirable, images speak clearly.

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