Planting Fields Arboretum & Nesting Bird!

Yesterday, it was a beautiful sunny day and I decided to go out with my wife to visit Planting Fiels Arboretum in NY. It’s a huge place and we had relaxing picnic on open grass with no one to bother. This amazing place has a larger with more "secret" type spots to have a picnic. I do it at least once a month if weather allows it. This place has also beautiful Rose Garden, HUGE fields, Coe Hall Historic House Museum, greenhouses, gardens, woodland paths, and outstanding plant collections with huge variety of flowers. The Main Greenhouse offers large collections of orchids, cacti and succulents, houseplants, ferns and Begonias, as well as seasonal displays of Chrysanthemum, Poinsettia, Hydrangea, Coleus, etc.

I took some pictures of these beautiful flowers and plants. We also had an amazing experience with bird sitting to nest on the ground of the parking lot. Yes, it was literally in the middle of alternative parking space of Planting Fields Arboretum.



Before we saw the nest with little four eggs, funny looking bird caught out attention. He was on the ground making noises, he was literally alerting us. We immediately knew something wasn’t right. First we thought he was hurt. I tried to approach him to make sure he is ok, to make sure he can fly. He eventually flew away and when we checked the place he was protecting, we found out he was protecting his nest with four eggs in it. We immediately backed off about 50 feet away from the nest hoping he would return quickly. Luckily in a few minutes he was back.


If you zoom in, you can see him next to this post in the middle nesting. At the end we really enjoyed our short trip with a nice bird nesting bonus.

Here are few picture I would like to share with you.









All pictures in this post are taken by @rothberg by iPhone 6.

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