My Day In Pictures (8-13-2016) "The Perfect Life From the Outside Looking In..." + Dragons!


"I Hope I Have A Friend to Walk These With Someday."

The Venice Canals were created by Abbot Kinney in 1905. They're modeled after THE Venice canals in Italy. I didn't even know they existed until just a few days ago. Since I moved to LA I've been a total shut in. I find making meaningful connections with people difficult. I have, however, been trying to force myself into situations what would make me uncomfortable. One of these was going to brunch by myself. After a heavy meal I decided to take a long walk where I wandered upon the canals. All around I saw people walking together. I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I hope I have a friend to walk these with someday. I hope I too can have brunch with someone who wouldn't mind me ranting about Carl Sagan, or video games, or Hamilton. I have the perfect life from the outside looking in, but not many people to share it with.

"Napkins Instead of Tissues is Like Wiping Your Face With Sandpaper"

El Capitan Theater in Hollywood used to bring me a lot of joy. As a long time fan of Disney when I moved to LA it was one of the first places I wanted to visit. I'm also a huge fan of architecture and loved the many different influences you can see around the theater (East Indian, Tudor, and Baroque amongst some.) I haven't been back in nearly a year. The last time I came here was with my ex and we saw some silly movie. He always tolerated me wanting to come here. When someone treats you so nice it's twice as much of a shock when they turn into a monster. My work was holding a company event here and treated us to Pete's Dragon. Let me tell you it made me and my coworkers bawl like babies. We didn't have tissues and so I was reminded of the fact that using napkins instead of tissues is like wiping your face with sandpaper. I didn't just weep for the movie. I wept for the person that I lost. I wept for the memories we made here that are now fading away into non-existence. I needed a good cry.  Pete's Dragon was good cover for it.

Bonus El Capitan Shots:

This ceiling is stunning. Places this beautiful and with so much old Hollywood charm are one of the best parts of living in LA. I love daydreaming about the many cool events and beautiful people that have sat under this ceiling. 

Everything right down to the lighting fixtures is so detailed and ornate. I highly recommend visiting this theater to catch a movie if you're ever in town. 

"I Miss Believing In Dragons"

When I saw how poorly Pete's Dragon was doing at the box office it made me quite sad. The above is a wood carving featured in the movie and is absolutely stunning. El Capitan theater always has a small gallery that they theme to the current movie downstairs. This one featured most of the dragons in Disney films.  The movie itself is so charming and heartwarming. I felt like it not only appealed to children but to adults who are still maybe clinging to some of those childhood dreams we all had. When I was little my dad would get me really cool pop up books. One was a bestiary of fantasy creatures, though 7 year old me didn't know it at the time. I used to think that maybe, just maybe if I could someday get to England or Norway I would meet a dragon. I had a piggy bank for my "Dragon Finding Trip." I'm happy to say I've made it to both countries but did not in fact meet a dragon. I miss believing in dragons. I miss plotting out adventures to go on. The closest thing I have to that now is tabletop gaming. I feel like it's such an amazing outlet for people. I'm currently playing a tabletop game called Pendragon where I play a vain, male knight named Sir Morial. I've had 3 wives, 4 mistresses, and 17 children who all have names that start with M. Do you play any tabletop games?

Bonus dragon shots from the El Capitan's dragon gallery because....DRAGONS! I hope you guys enjoy them!

Empress Dragon Canon from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Concept art from the original Pete's Dragon.

 Cruella de Vil dragon dress costume worn by Glenn Close in 102 Dalmatians ( Gorgeous piece but did anyone ever watch this?!)

Maleficient's Costume from Fantasmic (I guess she technically TURNS into a dragon....)

This galant knight is on display at Sleeping Beauty's Castle. The knight I play in my tabletop game is certainly not as galant. 

 This is Disney's take on the Lernaean Hydra or Hydra of Lerna that Hercules fought in his Twelve Labors.

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