Simple and cost efficient cannelloni recipe

This dish is a glorious celebration of cheese, and who doesn't love cheese? It is simple and cost effective, yielding about four servings when paired with a nice crusty bread and salad. You can modify it with many different sauce and cheese combinations, add ground meats, maybe some spinach, play around with it and get creative. Very versatile!!! 

Here are the absolute basic ingredients: Cannelloni noodles, tomato sauce, ricotta cheese, shredded mozzarella.

1) Boil noodles and cool them in cold water.

2) Wrap ricotta inside of the noodles.

3) Place them inside of an oiled baking dish or pot, whatever you have that can go in the oven.

4) Cover with tomato sauce. Just buy some ready made sauce, whatever kind you like.

5) Sprinkle shredded mozzarella on top.

6)  Bake at 350 degrees in a preheated over for about 25-30. Keep an eye on the mozzarella, if it starts to turn golden brown, or if your home smells like heaven, it is probably ready.

7) Enjoy!

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