Smartphone Photography || The Beauty of *Zinnea elegans*

Hallo dear Steemians...

How are you everyone, hopefully always in good health.
Perhaps I have not made a post in Steemit for a long time, because there is something else.

Well on this good occasion I will post again, as usual that is about Photography. Today's photography is about the flowers of Zinnea elegans, the flowers are very beautiful to behold though small and ordinary single flowering.

Zinnea elagan is a kind of seasonal flowering plant. The true plant originated in the country of Mexico, and has grown as an ornamental plant and has been widely cultivated all over the place and has spread in several places, among others, in the american and partly asia, for more details please read here

Here's a photo of the Zinnea elegans I took through the camera lens:

All photos above I took using Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 camera.Hopefully useful and you like it, so much from me wishing you a fun and colorful day, and last happy of course.

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