Photos of my cultivation.........

Hello Everyone

Today I am sharing some photos of my own cultivation. I am studying Agriculture and part of it we have to cultivate different types of crops in our field. I have grown wheat, tomato and some lentils. We have to take care of the plants, water them and do every other necessary things to grow the plants. We get marks on the basis of our quality of cultivated products.


It's like a fun experiments. We had not any experience on doing such thing and still learning. But it's really feel good to connect with the process and get the product what we eat. It feels like we are growing our own food item, though in an small amount but we get to know how things work.


There needs lots of hard work also. We have to note down every thing and do the watering and caring time to time. Otherwise the plants will not grow good. But after seeing what we have cultivated it feels like the hard work worth it.

Hope you like my captures.......All photos were captured by my iPhone 5.....

Love: Steem

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