'' photography'' sunset when a Lunar Eclipse

Hello steemian met again with me, I will be showing my photos yesterday of his right at the time of a Lunar Eclipse I memotrek lagit sunset at wak tu Lunar Eclipse on 31 January at 17.30 GMT on the evening of may the photo I am impressed friends make all While taking my pictures are on my home page in langsa aceh

A lunar eclipse occurs when part or all of a cross section of the month covered by the Earth's shadow. It occurs when the Earth is between the Sun and the moon on one straight line are the same, so that sunlight cannot reach the Moon because it deterred by the Earth.

Characters, such as photos, thrive in darkness. The light will magnify everything. He changed and glorify subjects the most commonplace and mundane. The object is not nothing, light is everything.

Sunset photography. Making a silhouette in the foreground. Just speed up Your shutter speed and you'll have the silhouette. The key to taking good silhouette shot is to find a subject with fine details that will let the sun shine and that has a form of recognition. If you memilikisesuatu that is too big as a silhouette, it takes from the picture because only the vast darkness.


  • Photography is a story that fails is told through words
  • – Destin Sparks
  • Destin Sparks wanted to show us that when the great story does not have to be expressed in words. With the pictures we can tell the story very good without any element of lies.
  • When the words have become unclear, I will focus on the photo. When the pictureis already inadequate, I will be content with silence.
  • – Ansel Adams
  • Such as Destin, Ansel seeks deals with great story through images, if Ansel felt inadequate drawings he prefers silence and mengintropeksi himself.
  • • in photography there is a more subtle reality, so that it becomes more real than visible reality.
  • -Alfred Stieglitz
  • Alfred, who was in the outcome proved that was no lie. Because it is unlikely a resultphotos can lie.
  • There are kala photography must contain the current human condition.
  • – Robert Frank
  • Robert is the people who care about others, he wanted to show how the behaviour of manuisa ranging from morals, behavior, etiquette etc. through photography. He wants us to care about each other with current human condition.
  • Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What has been caught by the movie will remind you about little things, after you have forgotten everything.
  • – Aaron Siskind
  • With katalain you can reminisce about all the memories masalalu only through a photograph.
  • We make photos to understand what is the meaning of our lives for us.
  • Ralph Hattersley
  • A photographer will surely catch every moment, whether it's a sad, happy or unhappy. Indirectly a photographer was able to feel the feelings of others.
  • Photography for me is not looking, but rather feel. If you can't feel you around, then people around you can't feel any of your images.
  • – Don McCullin
  • Don pointed out that fellow human beings must have either against a fellow as wellas the environment. So guys don't charge the same sensitive girlfriend aja, the sameenvironment as well.
  • a portrait is not made through the camera, but instead of the two sides.
  • – Edward Steichen
  • For beginners, here Edward wanted to say good work not only solely through cameras, to produce good work You should be able to blend between technique and your environment.
  •  take pictures such as tiptoe into the kitchen late at night and stealing Oreo Cookies
  • – Diane Arbus
  • Diane shows that being a photographer must have the patience to get the special moment at time of photograph images.
  •  for me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in a usual. I have found that there is no relation with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.
  • – Elliott Erwitt
  • For me these words of pearls that I remember most, that Elliot shows actually it doesn't have to be spektakuller there is ditempat-tempat. If we can see the environment around us in depth then you will find that special thing that is unexpected.
  •  the camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.
  • – Dorothea Lange
  • Are simple you can imagine how when the camera is not found in the world.
  •  I don't trust words. I believe the image.
  • – Gilless Peress
  • What is pronounced Gilless have a point. So now indeed many sekari people lie, this makes Gilless wanted to show the truth through images.
  •  a photograph is a secret about secrets. The more it tells you little semaki you know.
  • – Diane Arbus
  • Photography will make you ciptaa know that God is so awesome. So don't feel that you know everything.
  • What do I love about photography is that they capture a moment that is lost forever, it is not possible to produce it.
  • – Karl Lagerfeld
  • This is the largest of the services on the photographer, you can indirectly exposes a precious moment to a long time to be seen from each of the different generations.
  • If you want to become a better photographer, standing in front of it is the more interesting.
  • – Jim Richardson
  • Jim told us all to get up and not afraid to step into a professional photographer. We must courageously braved various difficulties.
  • great Photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field.
  • – Peter Adams
  • Peter prove work through the heart more than the Fortune You bring more think of money through Your photographic results.

I edit this photo with the application photoshop I photographed by using camera phone Samsung is my results I want to menceritan many other things ikutin continue to my blog @rahmatmaulana

Thank you have read my articles may be useful and was impressed with the results of my photos With my collection of such stories or photos of me, there was a cake of photograpyh from me. Let this article be useful ikutin continue my blog don't forget unvote thanks.

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