Greetings all

I am trying to keep on a schedule posting once per week. Today I have a mixture of photographs to share with you. Some I used a macro-lens, while others I used my standard lens. It rained most of the week so I was unable to get out and see what new was in bloom.

This first photograph is a Petunia variety I have never seen before. I do not know the name, just that it strongly appeals to me.


One of my indoor plants was at it's peak bloom and I could not resist this photograph of one of my African Violets. I believe I have another variety that is budding out, but cannot remember what color it is. It will be a surprise when it does.


This next photo is of my Service Berry bush. It has been here a lot longer than I have lived here. I found the following at the Better Homes and Garden website:

Serviceberry trees display white blooms just before their foliage emerges in early spring, offering some of the earliest sources of nectar for pollinators. The five-petaled flowers closely resemble apple blossoms but with skinnier petals.

After the show of these blooms, clusters of edible berries form. As summer begins, berry colors ripen to a deep red then purple color. The berries make a wonderful substitute for blueberries and can be eaten fresh or made into jams and jellies.

I usually have to share them with the birds, but as you can see there will be plenty to share. I will try and remember to get a photograph when the berries are ripening.


These next two photographs are a little off topic (considering flowers above) but it is a place I like to go for quiet reflection. It is in a small ravine very close to my house:



To close out my post I was able to capture two of my dogs resting after getting a good workout. The Chocolate Labrador Retriever is Sahara. She is 6 1/2 years old. The black Labradoodle is Sheba. She is 11 months old. They both have to go with me where ever I go, or Sahara sulks and Sheba wines and barks. Both have been in previous posts, but I could not pass up this shot, seeing as they both looked at the camera nicely:

Dogs 05.2018_1930.JPG

I hope you all enjoyed my series of photographs. Hope you have a great day, and appreciate each of you as following my blog.


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