Photography with UV paint, blacklight and kaleidoscope lens


I am a gadget nerd. Now that I started photography school, I am getting the sense that I love adding those gadgets and science into photography. We received a "light" themed assignment. I started brainstorming my personal associations with light. It went from feathers to religion. But the strongest feelings I had with the physics of light. Thinking about rainbows, prisms, and infrared.


I am also a bit of a shopping addict. I saw photos in a book with very bright-colored drinks. One and one made two... I ordered a whole bunch of UV reactive stuff like paint and powder. I found some very cool bulb-shaped bottles. I got myself a usb-blacklight and on top of that, ordered a kaleidoscope lens just for the craic.

I set up my tiny photo studio and started mixing very toxic-looking fluids for inside the bulbs. The police better not wanna investigate what is going on inside my house right now. There are suspicious powders all over the place. Their forensic blacklight will show so many spots in my house they will suspect foul play for sure!

Anyway... I started shooting. With the blacklight, after shutting down the blacklight. From the front, from the top, with kaleidoscope lens and without.

And now I am confused... I don't have a favorite! I can only pick one for school. Help!!

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