Respect Your Local Park


When you live in suburbia, like I do, any piece of nature will be appreciated. Even though a park can be completely surrounded by the busyness of New York life, when you're there, all that craziness seems like 1,000,000 miles away. I seriously cant even think of one time I ran into an angry person at the park ( unless it was some drunk teenager past dark but that doesnt really count.) Is there a better spot then the park to blow down a fat blunt??? I cant think of many other spots Id rather light up at.


Some good Samaritan put these planks of wood and stones down so everyone who comes thru to enjoy the park is able to walk the trail without having to step in water. Did this person HAVE to do all of that??? Nope. But that's how the world continues to keep turning. It takes a collective effort from everyone to keep humanity (relatively) functional. Its important to allocate your efforts, your loyalty and your mind to the right places, people and ideas. So be careful with how and who you spend your time with. Take everyone for who they truly are, and not who you would like them to be.

As always thanks for reading and steeeeeem on bitches

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