Underwater inhabitants of the Black Sea. Jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo

Since it so happened that I live now in the Crimea and dive quite often and photograph all underwater living creatures, why not share your stories and pictures. And that all in a heap not to mix, about each beast I will do a separate post with its descriptions and portraits.

I decided to start with one of the most beautiful and dangerous inhabitants of the Black Sea. This jellyfish rootroot (Rhizostoma pulmo)


And if the beauty of these animals is not objective (for me, as a photographer, all jellyfish generally like, to be honest), then their danger is quite objective. And although the poison of the rhizostoma, which is contained in the electro-lacy legs, is deadly only for small fishes and crustaceans, a person does not expect the most pleasant sensations from him. There may be a burn similar to a nettle burn, but then there is a strong allergic reaction if there is a predisposition to it. And what to do, you ask, do not swim, chtol? Especially since it happens that these jellyfish are very many, yes, right at the shore.
Of course to swim! But try not to touch your hands and certainly not to play water polo! And just in case, take with you to the beach a couple of lemons. If suddenly, God forbid, a severe burn occurs, the lemon juice will soothe it very quickly. Well, a tablet of Tavegila, just in case you can drink if you are a severe allergic person.

We return to beauty.
In August of last year, I went with friends to dive to Cape Tarhankut. And there jellyfishes was abundant. Knowing that the pictures of these jellyfish have already made an incredible amount, I wanted to try to take them off as something unusual. There were two ideas.
The first is to take a picture in half water at sunset. And the second - in the dark with a reflection from the surface.
Bet more on the "split". After all, sunsets always look good, and in half the water, all the more.


But in the end I liked more photos in the dark with reflection. Everything turned out to be some sort of cosmic-electric one. As if all luminous essence of these animals suddenly appeared.



By the way I liked it all not only myself. The last photo was included in the portfolio of the Union of Wildlife Photographers of Russia!
So in my opinion, these jellyfish are much more beautiful than dangerous ones. Do you agree?)

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