

My name is 7anzalah, My father’s name is not necessary, My mother… her name is Nakbah and my younger sister’s name is Fatimah…
My foot’s size, I don’t know… because I am always barefooted…
Date of birth: I was born on June 5th 1967…
Nationality” I am not a Palestinian, not Jordanian, not a Kuwaiti, not a Lebanese, not an Egyptian, not anybody… etc… In brief I don’t have an identity and I don’t intend to get nationalized… Simply I am an Arab and that is all…
By accident I met the cartoonist Naji… Hating his art because he cannot draw, and explained why… because whenever he drew about a country its embassy complains… guidance. information and censorship warn…
He told me all people are nice… they became angles… They couldn’t be better… thus... I want to draw… I want to live… I want to find a job other than this…
I told him you are a coward and ran away from the battle field… and I was harsh with him, and when I soothed him… and introduced myself that I am a vigilant Arab who knows all languages and speaks all dialects. associates with all people. the good, bad, nice and the crock… all kinds of people… Those who behaves well and or so so… And I told him that I am ready to draw a cartoon every day for him, and explained to him that I don’t fear anybody except God, and who ever shall be angry let him go and tile the see (do whatever he likes)… And told him that those who want air conditioned houses and offices, a car and what they want to cook every day… and don’t think of Palestine…..
Dear reader… I am sorry for writing such a long letter… Don’t think that I wrote so much to fill space… and that on my behalf and behalf my cartoonist friend, I always thank you… and that is all…

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