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Hello spring!

Hi, guys!

As you know, the spring has already begun, however, with us in Serbia, the winter continuous. Yesterday and the day before snow fell, as the winter had just arrived, as it is January. We were all very surprised because we were expecting a nice and sunny weather, especially I, which I am the addict of the sun. I adore spring and summer, the seasons that fix my mood, which positively affect me. Sun, nature that slowly wakes, clear skies, fields full of colors. I can hardly wait for those days when I will not have to dress layered, wear a jacket, boots, and just run bare feet in the meadow. 

However, these are still no such days, but to these beautiful days, I want to share with you some more beautiful pictures, perhaps the last pictures of this year`s snow. I took pictures with my camera last two days, in my village and in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. 

I hope you like it! :)