Wildlife photography at the river

Hey all,

I just want to share some photos i took tonight while riding my bicycle along a nearby river. Along the river you can find some nice nature and often you can see some wildlife. Today I took my camera and tried to get some shots of the animal you can find here. Come with me and enjoy!

Around the evening hours deer's are coming out to eat grass on the river's meadow.

They are very shy and it is very hard to get a good shot of them.

Sometimes, after they spotted you, they will stand still and observe every move you make. This is a male.

Here a female deer watching me closely before jumping away to hide in the high grass.

This two are very close to the trail but as i got closer they jumped away very fast.

Here i came accross a pheasant which was searching the fields for food. I love this bird as it is really colorful and pretty.

At this riverbank i recently saw a beaver frequently so i went to check on him.

I actually saw two of them today and it seems like they have a nest here. I hope i get to see their baby's one day.

This is an old boat ramp and not easy to get up for the poor beaver. I saw him slipping a few times.

It is really a cute creature but they can actually bite quite hard. I heard about dogs which got bitten badly by them. So better to keep distance.

I really enjoy the spring time after this long winter. And i appreciate to still have some nice nature nearby and to be able to observe this cool animals.

I hope you enjoyed my pictures and i wish you a nice evening!

See you soon.

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