My photography#87

Chandramallika is one of the most popular seasonal flowers in the world. It is like rose flower and it's place after the rose in popularity. It comes in different colors a. Chandramalika is the national flower of Japan. It is also, cultivated as a seasonal flower in Bangladesh. Different varieties and different types of flowers, shapes, colors, etc. Among these are copper, gold, yellow, purple, red, khairi and green chandeliers called "Green Gods" etc. There is a possibility of producing on a commercial basis as there is a demand in the flower market. Japan and China are the adenibas of the Moon.Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute said that Chandramalika has developed four varieties of flowersIMG_20191218_110948.jpgBari Chandramalika-1, Bari Chandramalika-2, Bari Chandramalika-1 and Bari Chandramalika-1.Bari-1 is a seasonal flower variety suitable for winter cultivation. The average height of the tree is 2-5.5 cm. The color of the leaves is light green. The seedlings are planted in the field or in the pot for 18-24 days. September-October is the perfect time to plant. Flowers begin to arrive in December but remain until the middle of February. On average, the plant holds 3-6 flowers. The flowers are yellow in color and 3 cm in diameter. Flowering vitality for 3-4 days.Bari -2 varieties of winter seasonal flowers available for cultivation all over the country. The average height of the tree is 5-6cm.The color of the leaves is light green. September-October is the perfect time to plant.The seedlings are planted in the field or in the pot for 20-25 days. Flowers begin to arrive in December and remain until the middle of February. On average, the plants hold 3-5 flowers. The flowers are white and 3 cm in diameter.Flowering Vitality: 1-2 days.Bari Chandramalika - One of the three winter seasonal flowers.IMG_20191218_110812.jpgIt is most commonly used in pot plants. The average height of the tree is 5 cm. The color of the leaves is light green. The color of the flowers is magenta. About 20-20 flowers are produced in each tree. The flower's durability in the pot is around 8-12 days.Bari -1 It is a seasonal winter flower available for cultivation everywhere. Use as a pot plant is maximum but can be used as a cut-flower. The average height of the tree is 5 cm.The color of the leaves is light green. The colors of the flowers are gorgeous red. About 15-20 flowers are produced in each tree. The flower's durability in the pot is around 8-13days.

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