PHOTOGRAPHY #31th About Photography Lighting, Painting And Feeling Light [Bilingual]

Hi.. Friends of Steemit Lovers Photography??

Good night, happy to rest, again I made a writing about Photography seputaran.
Here I try to share tips and tricks about painting knowledge with light.

Photography is already familiar to everyone in the cloud, even now many people are starting a photography business.
At least with my post about seputara Photography can help a little for those who want to start Photography business.



Location Bukit Cinta Village Meunasah tgk Digadong.

Shutter Speed : 1/2500 sec
Aperture : f/5.6

Using Dslr D7100 Camera, 18-105mm Lens
Two flash Hight Speed ​​Sync (HSS) Godox tt600 / tt685 + Godox Trigger X1N for Nikon.
The direction of the lights at 8.30 and 3.00 hours Full Power.

Adobe Photoshop process for additional sweetener and spice on photo, Level, Curves, Selective Color, photo filter, sharpen.


Location Bukit Cinta Village Meunasah tgk Digadong.

Shutter Speed : 1/1000 sec
Aperture : f/5.6

Using Dslr D7100 Camera, 18-105mm Lens
One flash Hight Speed ​​Sync (HSS) Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N for Nikon.
Lighting direction at 4.30 Full Power.

Adobe Photoshop process for additional sweetener and spice on photo, Level, Curves, Selective Color, photo filter, sharpen.


Location Bukit Cinta Village Meunasah tgk Digadong.

Shutter Speed : 1/1000 sec
Aperture : f/2.8

Using Dslr D7100 Camera, 50mm Fix Lens
One flash Hight Speed ​​Sync (HSS) Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N for Nikon.
Light direction at 3.30 Flash Power 1/4.

Adobe Photoshop process for additional sweetener and spice on photo, Level, Curves, Selective Color, photo filter, sharpen.


Location Bukit Cinta Village Meunasah tgk Digadong.

Shutter Speed : 1/1000 sec
Aperture : f/5.6

Using Dslr D7100 Camera, 18-105mm Lens
One flash Hight Speed ​​Sync (HSS) Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N for Nikon.
Lighting direction at 3.30 Full Power.

Adobe Photoshop process for additional sweetener and spice on photo, Level, Curves, Selective Color, photo filter, sharpen.

With confidence and perseverance everyone can do it, the key is only one that is the spirit to learn and achieve goals.

Photography is my hobby and also my work.
In the world of photography I know many friends, got a lot of knowledge input, and advice from them so I can sell my services in photography world.

All and thanks to all of Steemiant's friends and all corners of the world. We are sorry if there are wrong words in writing this post.

Thank you.


Hai.. Sahabat Steemit Pecinta Photography??

Selamat malam, selamat beristirahat, kembali saya membuat tulisan tentang seputaran Photography.
Disini saya berupaya membagikan tips dan trik tentang pengetahuan melukis dengan cahaya.

Photography sudah tidak asing lagi di semua orang awan, bahkan sekarang banyak orang yang memulai bisnis photography.
Setidaknya dengan postingan saya tentang seputara Photography bisa membantu sedikit bagi yang ingin memulai bisnis Photography.



Location Bukit Cinta Village Meunasah tgk Digadong.

Shutter Speed : 1/2500 sec
Aperture : f/5.6

Menggunakan Kamera Dslr D7100, Lensa 18-105mm
Dua flash Hight Speed Sync (HSS) Godox tt600/tt685 + Godox Trigger X1N for Nikon.
Arah lampu di jam 8.30 dan jam 3.00 Full Power.

Proses Adobe Photoshop untuk pemanis dan bumbu tambahan pada photo, Level, Curves, Selective Color, photo filter, sharpen.


Location Bukit Cinta Village Meunasah tgk Digadong.

Shutter Speed : 1/1000 sec
Aperture : f/5.6

Menggunakan Kamera Dslr D7100, Lensa 18-105mm
Satu flash Hight Speed Sync (HSS) Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N for Nikon.
Arah lampu di jam 4.30 Full Power.

Proses Adobe Photoshop untuk pemanis dan bumbu tambahan pada photo, Level, Curves, Selective Color, photo filter, sharpen.


Location Bukit Cinta Village Meunasah tgk Digadong.

Shutter Speed : 1/1000 sec
Aperture : f/2.8

Menggunakan Kamera Dslr D7100, Lensa fix 50mm
Satu flash Hight Speed Sync (HSS) Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N for Nikon.
Arah lampu di jam 3.30 Flash Power 1/4.

Proses Adobe Photoshop untuk pemanis dan bumbu tambahan pada photo, Level, Curves, Selective Color, photo filter, sharpen.


Location Bukit Cinta Village Meunasah tgk Digadong.

Shutter Speed : 1/1000 sec
Aperture : f/5.6

Menggunakan Kamera Dslr D7100, Lensa 18-105mm
Satu flash Hight Speed Sync (HSS) Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N for Nikon.
Arah lampu di jam 3.30 Full Power.

Proses Adobe Photoshop untuk pemanis dan bumbu tambahan pada photo, Level, Curves, Selective Color, photo filter, sharpen.

Dengan keyakinan dan ketekunan semua orang pasti bisa melakukan nya, kuncinya cuma satu yaitu semangat untuk belajar dan mencapai tujuan.

Photography adalah hoby dan juga pekerjaan saya.
Dalam dunia photography saya banyak mengenal kawan-kawan, mendapat banyak ilmu masukan, dan saran dari mereka sehingga saya bisa menjual jasa saya didunia photography.

Sekian dan terima kasih untuk semua kawan-kawan Steemiant dan segala penjuru dunia. Mohon maaf bila terdapat kata-kata yang salah dalam penulisan postingan ini.

Terima kasih.

Salam Steemiant
Salam Photography

BSC Photography

Regard by @misfocusart
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