Polaroid #8


Let the fire burn.
Lift up eyes and song.
Lift up hands.
Blessings, may they flow.

Be well and in good frequency.
Perhaps great times are coming.
Give dance and hugs.

As I mentioned in my original Polaroid post...

I have a feeling I am going to be spending a lot of time with this paintbrush and canvas.

For more than twenty years I have wanted one of these cameras. I am pretty surprised I never invested in one.

Regardless, it has begun, and I am already enjoying myself in a big way.

Cheers to celluloid, to hard copies, to analog amidst a sea of digital and copy/paste.

May we compose well.
May we snap well.
May we develop well.
May we be well.

Be well.
(words and image are original)
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