The Quest for the Electric Vinemobile: Help Us Reach 350 Dollars Payout And We'll Put a Steemit Logo On it!

Check out this bug! For 7000 pesos it could be ours(plus a lot more than that for repairs), so John can go about his dream of converting one of these things to electric. The plan is to make it nice and electric, hopefully with Steemit's help.

We've got many color schemes in mind, my favorite being black with green vines. There's also plain green, plain black and of course a black and yellow combo.

If we raise at least 350 total payout with this post, we'll put a Steemit logo somewhere visible on the car! Most likely, it'll be hand painted by me!

So upvote, share and resteem this one so that we can get this new project off the ground!  If this car comes to fruition, it'll be my little vehicle to drive around Acapulco, Lily DaVine's Vine-Mobile!

All photos were taken with our Nikon D7200 with 18-140mm lens.  Stay tuned for more updates on this and our other projects.  Thanks for following and subscribing, until next time!

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