Toolik Field Station, Alaska 2017. Part 6: The Most Amazing Views (Yet!)

I'm about to blow up this post a little bit...

At risk of overloading my followers' senses, I am sharing some photos from a hike I took this past Sunday.


Being from the White Mountains state (New'mpshire) I thought I had some seen some views. How naive I was...

lil old me all the way up there in Alaska

The glorious Brooks Range, viewed from its northernmost ridge

Toolik Field Station , Alaska 2017:

If this is your first time reading my blog, thanks for checking it out! I am at Toolik Field Station off of the Dalton Highway in Alaska. I am working on a longterm ecological research (LTER) project through Marine Biological Laboratory for the summer. I'm doing my best to post about all of the amazing things in the Low Arctic environment, I'd love it if you'd read along and commented!

Click on the links below to read older posts!


Past posts:

Part 1: Before I left, a little overview
Part 2: Just after arriving, featuring some great Dalton Highway and Brooks Range pics
Part 3: View from my room
Part 4: Trip to the Aufeis
Part 5: Some local wildlife

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