Second post (photography of soy sauce bottles)

Good evening, my good friends are all fake, how are you guys on this happy afternoon,
Thank God this time we meet again with me @kvc,
On this very glorious night, I want to make my second post ...
The first post dear is to introduce myself,
And in this second post, I want to show a bottle of soy sauce

This soy sauce bottle is almost the same as a syrup bottle,
Why is this called a soy sauce bottle
Because the contents inside are soy sauce, so it's called the soy sauce bottle
But if the contents are inside, syrup then the bottle is called a syrup bottle
Very great ... it turns out that this bottle has two types,
Some are large and small
At this time I have got a large size bottle.
But if I have seen a small bottle,
But I didn't have the chance to draw it

I will tell you all ...
I am very fond of photography and I really love the name of photography
then I will decide to post about photography images, and it doesn't have to be a picture of what is prioritized ...
But all kinds of images and whatever they are, in the name of photography

Maybe this is all that I can say tonight that all of my friends can be entertained and also be able to enjoy it, greetings and greetings of success, always for all friends of Steemians
In my post this time I use #apps #esteem belonging to @good-karma
I am happy to promote #esteem
Below, I have sponsored the esteem apps link for friends who want to use esteem, just click the link below, thank you.

More and less I apologize, I just know I was recently in Steemit

@ kvc

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