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NFT Twiiter

Wow it's been a while.

I've shut myself off from social media last year almost completely. Probably the combination of the pandemic, being in lockdown in Melbourne (most days in the world!) and not being able to take landscape photos. As well as having a 2nd child and being the full time parent while my wife brings home the bacon.

I'm coming out of that cave now. The combination of being the right time to connect with the world again and the possibilities with NFT's giving me a place to start.

Instagram is Instagram and I haven't had much interest in that space for a while.
Facebook...yeah nah.

But Twitter seems to be where the ongoing and massive conversation around NFTs and their direction is at.

With most things I let myself understand as much as I need to before diving in (thanks Robert Downie for being my crypto/NFT Guru). So where as I don't understand the mechanics and technical side of things, I understand the potential. And that's what I'm excited about.

I've got some NFT's on OpenSea and I'm still on the look out for a Foundation Invite.

If you're on Twitter, let me know so I can get in touch!

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