The beauty of dragonflies



Today I met again with one of the small animals in front of my house and I tried to observe the animal and I saw the animal is very beautiful indeed the animal is a small dragonfly that is perched on a wooden tree. This type of dragonfly is very unique color too Very beautiful and I went into the house to take my camera to photograph it my goal is to show to all friends in steemit all. Floats are one of the types of insects that we often encounter in certain places such as parks or around rumah.Disamping it dragonflies also Can live in the wild like forests, swamps, and so on. Like the butterflies and bees, the dragonfly also undergoes metamorphosis in its life period.Bedanya, butterfly insects have perfect metamorphosis, while dragonflies are not, or just metamorphosed imperfectly. Starting from the eggs then become the larvae and eventually become the adult dragonfly yes Ng can fly indah.dan here are some kind of small dragonfly character that I managed to catch with my camera, I use the camera NIKON and I also add some macro lenses let the picture look more clear.

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