5 stunning under water photos in Cebu

I'd like to show you how beautiful and wonderful life under the water is through showing 5 under water photos I took. I'm a scuba diver living in Cebu which obviously means I often go diving and take underwater photos. I'm fond of macro photography. I mainly focus in taking photos of nudibranchs, baby fishes, shrimps etc. I've taken a lot of photos under the water but this time I'd like to share you 5 of them as an introduction.

Now allow me to show my photos I've taken. I hope you enjoy and this will awaken your interest in under water photography.

  1. Ribbon eel
    In this photo is the ribbon eel that belongs to the moray eel specie. Just so you know, it's one of my favorites. As you can see, this ribbon eel is blue but when it's in juvenile stage, it's black. If you are diving in Cebu, no need to worry because you can find it easily. It's not only photogenic but also videogenic.

  2. Anemonefish
    The second photo shows anemone fish. They are kinda famous since it's in the movie "Finding Nemo". They aren't rare so there is a big chance you meet them when you dive.

  3. Olivar's Squat Lobster
    The third photo is an olivar's squat lobster that's kinda popular to macro photo divers. They have cute popping eyes and long arm with beautiful shiny hair. Do you think he's cute?

  4. Pink Squat Lobster
    The 4th photo is a pinky squat lobster. Its body is a striking color of pink which makes it attractive. It's timid. It usually hides in sponges so it's difficult to take a photo of it.

  5. Nudibranch
    Last but not least, I want to introduce a nudibranch. It's considered as the jewelry in the sea. It's noted for their often extraordinary colours and striking forms. Moreover, there are over 3000 species of nudibranchs. I suggest you start to google image search the "nudibranchs" now. I'm pretty sure you will be enchanted by their beauty immediately.

There you go! By the way, all the photos were taken at a depth of 10m to 30m. What are your thoughts? I hope you had a great time looking at the photos.

See you next time.

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