7 My Favorite River Down Photos @kanayaaqilla

Understanding River is a network of water systems that form naturally on the surface of the earth that form a flow pattern. The source of river water comes from rainwater, ground water, and glaciers. There are several terms associated with the river, which are as follows :

The river channel is part of the river basin that flows water from upstream to downstream. The river flow can contain water can not. In the rainy season, the river channel always contains water, but in the dry season the river channel may dry up. Examples are rivers in the NTT region.

Watershed (DAS) is a rain catchment area that functions to receive, store, and drain rainwater into a river network system.

Here are 7 Photos of my preferred stream flow :








Upper river is the highest part of the river channel and is the beginning of the source of water coming into the river. The downstream of the river is the lowest and closest river channel to the river mouth. River regime is the maximum limit of river water in the rainy season and the minimum limit of river water in the dry season. The discharge of river water is the amount of water flowing at a particular location in a river per unit time (m3 / sec).

Estuary of the river is the last location of river water flowing into the sea or to the lake or to another river. River gradient is a longitudinal cross section of the river showing the difference in slope between the lowest point (estuary) with the highest point of a river (upstream).

The river profile is a curve showing the relationship between the distance and baseline surface of the river measured along the river, starting from the estuary upstream. The cross section of the upstream river is usually V-shaped convex, while the mid section has a straight V cross section and a concave V-shaped estuary cross section.

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