Almaty Kazahstan

Foto by Alexander Prikopenko

ALMATY - largest metropolis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, today is the financial and economic, scientific, educational, industrial and cultural center of not only the country but also entire Central Asian region. The territory of more than 68,000 hectares, the population - 1.5 million people.

The city of Almaty is located in the center of the Eurasian continent, in the south-east of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at 77 degrees East and 43 degrees N, in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau - the most northern ridge of the Tien Shan. At the same parallel with it are Gagra and Vladivostok.

The climate in the city is sharply continental, with large fluctuations in temperature not only in the course of the year, but also a day. With a height of less than 500 m city streets escape to the north, in the steppe, in the semi-desert, resting in the hot Prikaskelenskie Moinkum. In the southern residential areas, at an altitude of 1500-1700 meters above sea level, Medeo and Kamenskiy Plato feel the breath of glaciers.

Rich and diverse flora and fauna of the Trans-Ili Alatau. Almaty surroundings are part of the Ile-Alatau National Park, on whose territory the organized nature reserves and nature reserve. Many rare birds and animals that live here, listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. Among them - the snow leopard, or ounce, now adorns the coat of arms of Almaty.

At the foot of the mountain cereal, melon plantations and vineyards give way to orchards and berry fields. More than 8 thousand. Ha urban area occupied by gardens and parks, squares and boulevards. It was here found his homeland famous Almaty aport.

Almaty city is a major transportation hub, there are enterprises of food, light and heavy industry. Almaty concentrated head offices of major domestic banks and branches of leading foreign financial institutions and companies.

An excursion into the past shows that the Almaty time immemorial occupied a special place in the region and has played an important role of the center of political, economic and cultural life in local and international trade along the Silk Road.

The mountains


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