this is the result of my bait a few days ago

Hi my dear friend everyone


for those of you who like or like fishing, you must have known the name of this kind of fish, because this one fish has a very large size and even bigger than I got this, and its life habits in swamps or in rivers,


but in my place, most of these catfish live in swamps and in bushes, and to get these fish is now very difficult, that's because there are so many people who want it and hunt it for consumption, even though the price is more expensive than ordinary fish or sea fish, and even now, these fish are the most favorite fish in all circles of society, although it is very difficult to get them,


this is the result of my fishing rod and my favorite fish,

enjoying the results of the bait itself does feel satisfying,

Thank you for attention and visiting, i hope you like it

Follow @jaladin717

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