The moon rises and the sunsets are so beautiful.

The moon rises and the sunsets are so beautiful.

The east rightSunset[1].jpg

Sunset or swastamita time where the sun disappears below the horizon line to the west. The red color in the sky at sunset and rising is caused by a combination of blue Rayleigh spreading and density of Earth's atmosphere.

Eastern part leftSunset1[1].jpg

The moon risesmonth_of_rising[1].jpg

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Examples of experts:
A geologist once said that this polar reversal has indeed occurred several times in Earth's history. Last is 780,000 years ago in the Stone Age. But the scientific belief states that the reversal of the poles can occur still 1000 years away.

Why the polar reversal can happen? The geologists' notes suggest that it is caused by a slice of iron atoms from the outermost nucleus of the outermost nucleus aligned, like a small magnet oriented in the opposite direction to those around them.

If the reversed ion develops to that phase of power, then the entire Earth's magnetic field will "flip".

This was revealed by Monika Korte as the scientific director of the Niemegk Geomagnetic Observatory at GFZ Postdam Germany. "This is not something that happens suddenly upside down, but it requires a long time process, where field strength is weak, it can show more than two poles for a while, and then build forces in the opposite direction," he said. .

It's not hard to come to the conclusion that the flat Earth model does not match the fact we can observe daily. The simple observation that the Sun rises from the East and sets in the West can not be explained in the flat earth example.

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