Photoblog 8th of November 2017 - Lifeguard

8th Nov.jpg

8th of November 2017 - Lifeguard - Fujfilm X70

"You realise you keep taking photos of lifeguard towers?"
"Do I?"
"Yep that three days in a row, what do you think that tells you about yourself?"
"That I find them photogenic and a nice representative of a beach holiday?"
"Nope, I think it's a deep psychological longing to be saved."
"Really, well I think that is just you dis-empowering me, and asserting the typical male 'ride on on a silver horse to save the day' stereotype of relationships where you assume we are all little powerless women who need saving, so how about you go fuck yourself."

Photo taken at Alexandria Headland - Sunshine Coast, Australia.

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