Creamy Mixed Berry Coconut Milk Smoothie - FOOD PHOTO SHOOT


I always feel a bit like a cheater when I post a smoothie recipe.

Cheating what? I’m not entirely sure but it’s just too easy. You guys like smoothie recipes though, right? Who says a recipe needs to include more than one step? Hey, I’m totally cool with this one being super simple and easy. I say smoothies for everyone today!


For some reason smoothies have been very popular around here recently, like really popular. One of my brothers in particular is the biggest fan of them. Nothing makes him happier than the buzz of the blender running. I love that I can add all kinds of nutritional things to a smoothie and he’ll drink it. Better yet, he’ll thank me for it…..when he doesn’t know about the nutritious part, that is.

This is the first smoothie in a while that I haven’t thrown some crazy ingredient into. It’s just some basic stuff but in this case I think less is more. I did add coconut yogurt and coconut milk, which you all know I’m obsessed with right now. I think that is the secret to its amazingness. The coconut milk is so creamy and has a natural sweetness.


Oh, and the blueberries. Don’t forget about the blueberries. I added lots of those and with the strawberries it made a very purple smoothie. Much purple-ier (I say this needs to be a word now effective immediately) than you can see in the pictures. I thought about calling it the purple people eater smoothie but decided it wasn’t a descriptive enough name for this delicious drink.


Okay, so for this smoothie I added a minimal amount of sweetener, but please feel free to add as much as you like. The sweetness will vary based on how ripe your fruit is. I used some overripe peaches and the berries here are really sweet so the smoothie didn’t need to be much sweeter.

And just like any other smoothie there are endless possibilities when it comes to additions. Throw in some banana or pineapple, add a different kind of juice, replace the coconut milk with some avocado, make it your own. I look at this post as more of an inspiration than a recipe. You can take it from here.


Creamy Mixed Berry Coconut Milk Smoothie

Nothing is quite as refreshing to start the day as an antioxidant loaded smoothie!

Prep Time 10 minutes


1 cup fresh strawberries
2 cups fresh blueberries
4 peaches pitted
1 cup unsweetened coconut yogurt
1 13.5 ounce can coconut milk
1/2 cup 100% orange juice
2 - 4 tablespoons pure maple syrup or agave nectar to taste or to taste


Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend until smooth.


ALL CONTENT IS MINE AND ORIGINAL! All of these food photos were taken with my Nikon D750 and my favorite Lens, the Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G. You can find out more in my INTRO POST.

Also, a huge shoutout to @rigaronib for designing my logo!

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If you're looking for more recipes check out some of my other recent posts!
  1. Healthier Oatmeal Cream Pies
  2. Itty Bitty Homemade Cinnabuns!
  3. Homemade Bread Bowls + Creamy Corn Soup
  4. Healthy Smoothie Bowls with Mango + Acai
  5. Sofritas Burrito Bowls (Chipotle Inspired )

Also, check out my recap of last year
  1. Recapping 2018 for Gringalicious - Part 1
  2. Recapping 2018 for Gringalicious - Part 2
  3. Recapping 2018 for Gringalicious - Part 3

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