Photography - Crater Lake: Oregon, USA


A beautiful shot of Crater Lake with an astounding sky full of stars.

Crater Lake Info: Crater Lake inspires awe. Native Americans witnessed it form 7,700 years ago, when a violent eruption triggered the collapse of a towering volcano. Scientists marvel at its purity: fed by rain and snow, it’s the deepest lake in the USA and perhaps the most pristine on earth. Artists, photographers, and sightseers stand in wonder at its blue water and stunning setting.

From Wikipedia:  Crater Lake is a caldera lake in the western United States, located in south-central Oregon. It is the main feature of Crater Lake National Park and is famous for its deep blue color and water clarity. The lake partly fills a nearly 2,148-foot (655 m)-deep caldera[2] that was formed around 7,700 (± 150) years ago[3] by the collapse of the volcano Mount Mazama. There are no rivers flowing into or out of the lake; the evaporation is compensated for by rain and snowfall at a rate such that the total amount of water is replaced every 250 years. With a depth of 1,949 feet (594 m),[4] the lake is the deepest in the United States. In the world, it ranks tenth for maximum depth, and third for mean (average) depth.[5] Crater Lake is also known for the "Old Man of the Lake", a full-sized tree which is now a stump that has been bobbing vertically in the lake for over a century.[6] The low temperature of the water has slowed the decomposition of the wood, hence the longevity of the bobbing tree.

Picture of the "Old Man of the Lake"
(September 13, 2005).

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