Trying to Walk Snowed In Forest

I had a plan to go to a Kakerdaja bog that is located about 1.5 hours drive away from my home. The plan was great but when I arrived, I realized that the road that leads near the bog is so inaccessible with deep snow that I am not going to try it. There was one other rural road that is a possibility so I tried but this was also a failed attempt.

We were in a middle of a random forest and we did not know what to do. We drove all the way here and failed to go where we wanted to. We also had not enough daylight to go anywhere else. Finally, we decided to take a walk right there in the forest. It was beautiful winter weather and the forest was gorgeous under the deep cover of snow.



We took a path where we should have been able to drive a car but the snow was so deep it was up to the knees.


Here, in the photo below you can see the road we were supposed to drive.


Obviously, it was exhausting to walk in the deep snow but some physical activity is good right.


Finally, we arrived at the dead end. There was a chain across the path so we wouldn't be able to drive the road anyway. It looked like there was some country house and private property. My girlfriend thought we should keep walking but I didn't feel like trespassing. Maybe there is even a dog that is going to attack us, who knows. Although it looked like nobody lives there at this very moment because the only road is without any tracks and is inaccessible.



Even though we failed to go to the bog and had to randomly roam the forest, it was not all a total fail. It was cool to walk in this forest and see landscapes with this much snow. Here, near Tallinn where I live, it's not so deep and it was also melting here.



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