slow and Steady

One of the easiest subjects to photograph on the move is a snail. They are slow moving and, in some respects, graceful. Their shells have some really nice patterns and markings while their skin has some wonderful bumpy texture to it.
Being regarded as a pest, especially to gardeners like myself, they are always plentiful and easy to find.
Armed with my trusty camera with macro lens attached, I ventured once again into my back yard to see if I could capture some reasonable images and then convert them to black and white.
Even though the snails are slow, it is still difficult to pick the right depth of field to get the balance of in and out of focus in the right proportions. Some photographers have a real knack for it, while others like me have to practice a lot. Anyhow, it is still fun.
Hope you enjoy the fruits of my labour.

"click the image to enlarge"

LensSony 90mm macro
CameraSony A7Mii
LocationMelbourne Victoria
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