A walk around the park [ an afternoon of decompressing ]

All of us have our own ways to decompress from the stresses of our daily lives. For my case, I often go to places with open wide areas, like parks. It gives me the freedom to do whatever I chose to do.

On this day, I chose to do photography!

Recently, I was lucky to have a bit of time to visit the Gardens by the bay. I consider this my sanctuary for photography. This place makes me feel relaxed while making the photos of the scenery.

It's seldom for me to see this place during day time, my day job always kept me busy until night time. While on weekends, I'd prefer to stay home and rest.

On this day, it was a warm & sunny, perfect for my photography! I was sweating as I'm not used to going out and get exposed to sunlight. I don't mind it as I have goals to achieve.

From the MRT station and as I approach the park, this amazing view welcomes me...


These are the supergrove trees, it's amazing how they emerge from the trees and blossoms like a huge flower. I hope you imagined that too. These structures differs on its height, it ranges from 25 meters to 50 meters tall, the one at the center being the tallest.


Aside from the cluster of man made trees at the center, you will also see few more of it on the left. Beside it are the Garden Domes, inside those domes are collection of flowers & other ornamental plants & trees. I didn't managed to go inside those domes as there was not enough time on that day.


My thoughts about this place is that, it's an oasis, surrounded by the modern buildings and towers.


A stroll along these wooden walkways will unwind my thoughts about anything. There is something about this bay that makes me calm and just get through my day. I guess the undulating path of the walkway also brings me to the transcendence that I need.


And also, while on this area, I was able to link everything together. This is where I can realize what I've been through and what do I need to do about it ~ connecting of dots.


It feels surreal looking at this building from this point of view. It looks like a fantasy! If at this point, I'm still a young boy, I would thought of this as a huge boat riding through the waves. What do you think? Too much imagination?


Lastly, this place also keeps me dreaming about the best things to come.

A reminder of a bright future.

A realization of my vision that I want to achieve!

I hope you are all well.

Goodnight fellow Steemians

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