Tiger Hunting in Lampung, 1939

Berburu Harimau di Lampung, 1939. Het Leven. Colorized..jpg

The photograph above shows 2 dead tigers on top of a car, and crowd watching. The photograph was taken in Lampung in 1939, 3 years before Japanese Empire invaded Dutch East Indies, nowadays Indonesia. The picture is a proof that tiger hunting practice has been around since a long time ago. Panthera tigris sumatrae is a tiger species that lives in Sumatera jungle, and now under threat of extinction because its habitat being invaded by human.

According to historian, tiger hunting actually is not originating from Asia since Asian think they are descendants of tiger. Western colonialism brought this to Asia, introduced by British colonialism in India and British interregnum in Indonesia. Dutch themselves didn't bring the practice to Indonesia, British did when they ruled the archipelago in 1800. British even made bounty for tigers, yet most of people still refused to hunt them.

Now government has made tiger hunting illegal, but land clearing by human to build road and plantation only making live of tigers even worse.

The photograph above has been edited and colorized so you can enjoy it. Below is the original photograp in black and white.

Berburu Harimau di Lampung, 1939..jpg

Photograph: Het Leven

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