Looking for Church (Original Photography)


It's been a long couple of weeks, here. I finished a drawing fo a poetry-artist collaboration last weekend and didn't have much time to get out and shoot. On the way home,

The local photography club assignment for this month is "country church." Instead of driving straight back from Rochester, I took a roundabout way and found a couple interesting specimens.

Double Dose

This pair of churches, somewhere near Faribault, MN, was an interesting site. I didn't figure out why there are two in such close proximity. The sun was fairly high in the sky and the entire place melting and muddy, but it was fun to walk around and get some photoss of this odd pairing.

Wide Angle Pokey-Tops

I'm not even sure what the denomination was. The smaller church has been converted into a meeting space, so I'm guessing they built a slightly larger one to accomodate a growing congregation and kept the older structure. Looking in the windows provided a view of long tables with chairs.

God's a Patriot?

This one was just up the road for the last two. It was a nice structure, but surrounded by trees and electrical wires, so getting a more interesting photo was not possible.

"Duck, duck, duck, GOOSE!"

This one was a fun one. It is much to wet to get any further out into the field, but the composition came out nice. This one is somewhere between Clear Lake and St. James, MN.


This one would have been the perfect subject, if not for the power lines running along the road. I had to step into the field to avoid them cutting through the field of view, but that meant not being able to see our solar system's star setting beside it.

Church of Orange

There is still no word about whether the poet-artist collaboration event will happen or not. Schools have been cancelled for the next two weeks in Minnesota, so that educators and staff can plan distance-learning options. Major sports events are closed. Universities closed or considering closing.

And if I wind up with a two-week quarantine? Well, I have drawing paper and enough food to survive. I even have enough toilet paper, despite the hoarders... if only just.

Thank you for taking a look! If you enjoy my work, please click the upvote button. Comments are also greatly appreciated.


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