It's been awhile, but...

Hello again,

It has been months since I've been able to access my blog. PeakD was not working at first and then life got very busy. Everything seems to be working now, though!

So, what's happened in the last three-and-a-half months? Not much. Covid cases are mounting, I'm still stuck in my apartment alone (still single at 40), and still working too many hours from my "home office."

It's not all doom and gloom. This autumn, my family took a trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in northern MN. This is the first time I've had the time and finances to be able to come along, and they have gone every year for the last fifteen. It was strange to be up there during the pandemic, but I spent most of my time on the water anyway.

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Hand-Made Kayak

Beginning about the same time as the pandemic, my dad decided to build a cedar strip kayak for me. He has made four canoes in the past and wanted to try something different. I'm fairly certain it was the last kayak he will make. It was significantly more difficult than the canoes were.

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Got Clamps?

Aside from the trip up north, I have been trying to get out as much as possible with my camera to find interesting photos. This autumn's harvest provided a few beauties. Someone mentioned a sunflower field and I headed down there. The flower field was a publicity stunt and full of people with kids running everywhere... so I left. Taking the gravel roads home, I came across this line of bales atop a low hill.

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Not Tumbleweeds

And, of course, the bison are still there. We are currently snow-free, but did have a substantial snowstorm a couple of weeks ago. It was on a Saturday and the park was empty. It would seem that other people are unwilling to risk becoming stuck in the bison enclosure to see frosted bison.

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Frosty Has Been Eaten

And that's about all there is to say. I'm ready for the pandemic to end and a life change is overdue. It would be nice to be back in Spain, but finding a way to accomplish that has proven next to impossible. After a pandemic, though, who knows? We'll just have to settle for getting through the pandemic first.

And before finishing this post, here's one last photo and a bit of humor. I tend to avoid politics, especially online, but with all this talk of dead people voting lately...

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This voter leans a bit to the left!

More to come soon, I hope. Until then, be well and stay safe!


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