Putri Pukes cave

Hello brother ...

Last january I went to central Aceh, and there I visited a cave, called Putri pukes cave. the news that I heard from a guard of this place, called Putri pukes because here is where Putri pukes jukes become stone.

According to the guard's story, Putri pukes became a stone because she did not listen to her mother's command. After he married a young man from a faint refinery, the mother of Putri pukes told her before she came home to the groom's house in the faintly refinery "if you go, don't you look back again son". on the way to her husband's house, heavy rain flushed and they shelter into the cave, because the sense of not being able to release both parents and hometown, Putri pukes violate the words of his mother and look back (the village where he lived) instant lightning strike him and turned him into stone

Here is a picture of the condition of Putri pukes become stone.

and some photos of conditions inside the cave

thanks for reading ...

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