Gardening Quiz

The political life in Europe is brewing, there will be some serious changes. Our country is also subject to changes as things happened yesterday and today as well that are going to change the political board, but I'm not going to talk about that. That's another conversation I'm not very eager to have here. I'm more like an observant when it comes to politics and usually keeping my opinion to myself, unless I'm asked to share.

That being said, let's see what I have for you today.


This is the plant I have for you today. I believe it's very easy for those who are familiar with gardening.

You have two days to answer the question. After two days I'm going to reveal the name of the plant. I truly hope there will be many good answers. Let me remind you that there's no prize here, this is just for fun and for learning of course.


Check out my #SevenDaysOutside Challenge!


These are the days and the categories:
#WindowMonday – Windows
#DoorTuesday – Doors
#RustArtWednesday – Rust
#GateThursday – Gates
#StatueFriday – Statues
#BrickSaturday – Bricks (bricks only, no pavement elements or cobblestones please)
#StreetlampSunday – Street Lamps

Make sure you write a description of the photo you are posting. Share as much details as you can, like where that statue is placed (in a park, at a museum), what it represents etc. Make it enjoyable.

Use the #sevendaysoutside tag along with the daily tag and tag me, @erikah!

Goes without saying that you can only use your own photos. No paintings, no drawings, no digital art please! There is no prize here, this is just for fun.


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