The History of Mills

Hey dear Hive community, I hope you are all doing well and had a good day and a nice week in general. I mentioned in my last post that I would like to write something about the history of the mills in the future and would like to use this post for this.


I created all of these pictures with the help of AI (Artificial intelligence) and hope you like my results! The history of the mills is actually already over 20,000 years old and at that time grasses were already crushed between stones. With the rise of agriculture 10,000-12,000 years ago, it became more and more necessary to crush grain and stone was still used at that time.


One of the next huge milestones was the invention of the water wheel of the sumerian, which was a great progress for those times, from which the first treadmill emerged around 1200 B.C. With the help of the treadmills, the first water wheels that ran with hydropower were created around 300-500 B.C..


The Roman architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio then made the next great progress around 30 B.C. and he connected the water wheel with grinding stones, also known as the base of the watermill which was still used until the 19th century. The next stage in the history of mills was the use of wind and and with time more and more windmills were developed.


From a mythological point of view, mills are often considered a mysterious place that is associated with many different legends. Very well known is probably the history of the Mill of Rejuvenation and is connected with reversing the aging process who enters the mill. The traces of the mills are also very strongly anchored in heraldry and can be found in many different coats of arms.


Due to the increasing demand for bread, new production methods were explored and the mills died out in the 20th century. From an industrial point of view, the steam engine was one of the technologies that led to the rapid change of the industry. I find it very interesting to know the background history of the mills and this important industry, which surrounds humanity every day. If you have the opportunity to visit an old mill, you should definitely use it!


Many thanks for stopping by and I hope you like my new post! I used the software „Wonder“ to create these artworks.

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