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Clue Bay in Ireland... off the beaten track

I have been coming here since I was a child, and usually the weather is rough and stormy. But today, I am proud to show you my home-country... but without the rain!


Ever since I was a child, I had gazed at that boat house, wondering what was in it... but truth be told the water levels were always way too high for me to get to it. But after 15+ years of coming here... I finally got to it.
Boat house.jpg

It wasn't far, but my little march through the woods was magical. I wish I had a better camera... the colours cast down by this weeping tree kept me there longer than I intended.
Brushing water.jpg


Then all of a sudden I could see the corner of a building... it had to be my boat house...

The trees had listed on the the dates and names of visitors past... some of them over 100 years old... like a log book of graffitti that nature has lazily collected
100 year old graffiti.jpg

I could not beleave just how much of the building the earth had swallowed... it was clearly hundreds of years old judging by the thick old walls...
Boat house 2.jpg
Roots of trees burrowed into the walls... the branches stripped the once red metal roof off. Every window was boarded up... the doors bricked in...
Except for one...
int boat house.jpg

I guess after many years of wondering what was inside... my imagination had got the better of me. I was hoping for the remains of a boat... or old tools... but the gangways had all collapsed and with the exception to a tesco shopping trolly... there was nothing my an echoing drip.

I wish I never looked in now haha
