knick knack paddy whack, give a dog a job :)

He's getting healthier and healthier every day!!

Our young rescue Bud here is officially 1-0 in donkey wrangling!

When the hoof trimming man comes to town, and you gotta fetch the borough from the mountain top.... Only one dog for the job. This kid was absolutely born for this. You should've seen old Frank at full gallop coming over the horizon!

can't you see me I'm workin...

All work and no play makes Bud a sad puppers

Up on the mountain, up where the light breaks.

That's where you'll find me

Which way to the donkey brah?

full throttle! Man he gets going!! Delilah on the ridgeline with her stick

handoff secure, job well done!

Frank n the boys. Pedicure time!

@durrlenestihl follow me and see!

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