Kangaroo Portraits

Well, it's been a long (long, long) time since I've posted anything and after being reminded of Hive today I decided to have a look. I also wanted to share a few photos of kangaroos that I took in Victoria, Australia a few years back.


This particular kangaroo was quite small. I assume that she was perhaps a year or two old, but I really don't know much about kangaroos. Either way, she really wanted food (that's the only reason I got this photo... It took a lot of coaxing!)


Perhaps the most amazing part of the trip was being able to see the baby joeys. I was a bit scared to approach the mother and child, but with some food, in hand, the mother was okay with me getting close enough to take this photo. It wasn't taken on a zoom lens!


Much like me, there were also quite a few lazy kangaroos lounging about. I really can't blame them, however, considering that the temperature was in the high 30s that day!

Like many people, I've seen the videos of kangaroos beating up people (and animals) and I've always seen them are rather ferocious animals. While caution should always be used around wild animals, I was surprised by how friendly they are!

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